Copper Fountains by
Gary Pickles & Bronwen Glazzard

Plant & Tree Labels

Botanist Brass Plant Label

Available in two sizes

Botanist Plant Label

Solid brass plant labels or tree tags, deep engraved with any text.

Botanist - brass plant label

• Solid brass
• 2 sizes 60x40 mm or 60x30mm
• Deep engraved

ADD ENGRAVING TEXT - use // between lines

These plant labels will last a lifetime and will not suffer from fading or rubbing off. The deep engraving will ensure it remains permanently legible.

Suitable for use in the garden and great for house plants too. Never lose the the name of a beloved specimen again.

A perfect memorial plaque tied to a tree in remembrance of someone special.

Use the images for guidance and please remember that spaces count as characters.

Large Botanist Plant Label

engraving character count for Botanist large plant label

Small Botanist Plant Label

engraving character count for Botanist small plant label